DSST are college level subject exams that allow a student to earn credit for knowledge acquired in non-traditional environments. Currently over 1900 institutions accept passing DSST scores as college credit.

With over 35 exams to choose from in both upper and lower level courses, DSST exams cover the following subject areas: business, humanities, math, science, social studies, and technology. Students can visit Get College Credit for an updated list of DSST exams currently offered.

Students who wish to retest on a DSST exam can do so after 1 month.

For Active Duty Military:

DSST Exams are funded through DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support). Active Duty Military are eligible to sit and take DSST exams for free at Hurlburt AFB.

This is a free one-time opportunity to test per subject. If the tester does not pass on the first attempt, they will have to wait no less than 1 month to retest at the regular price.

Please see Military Base Testing on main page for more information on testing locations and hours.

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