Removing Educational Barriers
Equal Access and Opportunities for All Students
The Accommodation Resource Center (ARC) at Northwest Florida State College is committed to providing equal access and opportunities for educational success to all students with disabilities as guided by the American Disabilities Act and other disability-related laws.
Northwest Florida State College does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in any of our programs, services, or activities based on Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
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The Accommodation Resource Center (ARC) helps navigate accessibility for students with disabilities by removing educational barriers and partnering with the campus community for inclusion and support.
Faculty & Existing ARC Students
Faculty, as well as students currently registered with the ARC, can find additional forms and resources in RaiderNet. If you need to schedule a test, please visit the Testing Center page.
Contact Us
- Location: Learning Resources Center, Building 500.
- Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- [email protected]
- 850-729-6173 – Internal Only
- 850-729-6079 – Students
- Florida Telecommunication Relay Service (Voice) 711 or 1-800-955-8770
- Florida Telecommunication Relay Service (TDD): 711 or 1-800-955-8771
How Accommodations Work
Provision of reasonable accommodations is determined for each student based on the nature of the student’s disability, the barriers encountered, and the content of documentation provided.
ARC Guiding Laws
Students have the right to equal access and opportunities for education at Northwest Florida State College, as guided by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment of 2008. Accommodations ensure equal access and in no way guarantee student success in a course.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students should familiarize themselves with their rights to equal access and opportunities for education, as well as understand their responsibilities for declaring, documenting and maintaining their disability in order to receive the necessary accommodations. For grievances, students should review the procedures for filing a formal complaint found on the Disputes page.
Request Ahead of Time
Accommodations can be requested at any time during a semester; however, they are not retroactive. In order to have the accommodation readily available once classes begin, it is ideal for the student to request their accommodations soon after registering for courses. Once approved, it is the student’s responsibility to use their accommodations and renew them at the beginning of each semester.
Accommodations that require third-party support may require additional time to process.
Getting Started With Accommodations
Please follow the steps below to start the accommodation request process. If you have previously registered for accommodations, please visit RaiderNet for a renewal form or additional supporting documents.
- Register for courses
- Complete and submit the request for accommodations
- Book online – Click Here with ARC by phone, (850) 729-6079 or email, [email protected].
- Be prepared to show documentation of the disability that supports each accommodation request
- Meet with ARC staff to formally discuss the accommodation request and review documentation
- Once all required documentation is submitted and reviewed by ARC staff, the student will be sent an email to his or her NWFSC account regarding accommodation status
- Students with approved accommodations are encouraged to work with their professors on facilitation.
- Accommodations must be renewed every semester. (Submit the renewal form to make sure your accommodations stay current)
Supporting Documentation, Resources and Guidelines
Documentation provided with accommodation requests should be current, no more than 3 years old, on letterhead and signed by a licensed or certified professional. Because each student’s situation is unique, documentation requirements may vary by situation. ARC staff will review and discuss documentation during the initial student meeting.
Disability Documentation Guides
- Learning Disorders
- Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
- Guidelines for Documentation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Hearing Impairments
- Guidelines for Documentation of Physical or Medical Impairments
- Visual Impairments
- Speech Impairments
- Traumatic Brain Injury
Helpful Guides & Resources
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student Rights
- Students have the right to equal access and opportunities for education at NWFSC, as guided by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment of 2008.
- Students have the right to receive reasonable accommodations which do not represent a fundamental alteration of the essential educational components of the academic programs.
- Students have the right to confidentiality of information regarding their disability, except as disclosure is necessary to acquire accommodations.
Student Responsibilities
- Students are responsible for being currently enrolled in classes with NWFSC to be eligible to apply for accommodations.
- Students in need of accommodations are responsible for self-identifying as a student with a disability by submitting the application for accommodations.
- Students are responsible for providing disability documentation to the ARC. IEP’s, 504’s and/or notes from a physician on a prescription pad may not be sufficient to satisfy documentation requirements. However, these documents can be used as supplements.
- Students are responsible for coordinating the facilitation of their accommodations with their professors
- Attempt to resolve any academic concerns first with their instructor prior to going to the ARC for guidance
- Inform the ARC of any changes in disability status or any concerns regarding implementation of accommodations
- Students are responsible for renewing their accommodations at the beginning of each semester. Renewal forms can be found in RaiderNet. Accommodations are not retroactive.
- Students must ensure all equipment and resources that have been loaned by the ARC are returned by the end of the semester and in working order. Any problems with loaned equipment need to be discussed with ARC staff as soon as possible.
Types of Accommodations
- Testing accommodations
- Assistive Technology
- Sign language interpreters
- Note-taking assistance