April 23, 2020
Photo: (Dated October 2019) Welding students at NWFSC pose for a group photo to show thanks to our College supporters.
NICEVILLE, FL – In response to Northwest Florida State College’s (NWFSC) efforts to support students during the COVID-19 pandemic, Eglin Federal Credit Union (EFCU) has taken action by donating $5,000 to the NWFSC Student Emergency Fund.
Eglin Federal Credit Union’s support will help students who face circumstances that threaten their continued success at NWFSC. Gifts to the emergency fund help cover the cost of housing, food and technology necessary to learn remotely, ensuring that students stay enrolled and continue to receive the highest quality education.
EFCU has been an ally of the College since 1996 with a giving history of over $50,000 and has two scholarship endowments established through the Northwest Florida State College Foundation. “I am humbled by the support Eglin Federal Credit Union has shown to our students over the years,” said NWFSC President Dr. Devin Stephenson. “Now more than ever, this gift to the Student Emergency Fund will help proved stability and hope to our students during these uncertain times.”
Gifts to the NWFSC Student Emergency Fund can be made online at nwfscfoundation.org/emergencyfund.
Students in need of emergency financial assistance are encouraged to contact Student Success Navigation at (850) 678-5111 or [email protected]
Information on the College’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak is regularly updated at nwfsc.edu/coronavirus. For questions about how to support the Student Emergency Fund, contact the Foundation Office at [email protected] or (850) 729-5357.